Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Northeastern Memes

I just stumbled up upon this page on The Book.  I had no idea what these were because apparently I'm living on another planet.  But, I'll tell you what these are: gold.  Yes, some of these are obviously done by girls and aren't funny at all, but if you go to Northeastern, you really can appreciate a bunch of these.  Here are some of my favorites:

Yeah I know this has nothing to do with Northeastern, but I'll stick it to the Pats anyway I can.  G-MEN.

I was legitimately worried about this.  They don't call me the Mayor of Blackout City for nothing.

You know that at least one of your friends, or yourself, has a good chance of being this guy.  Talks about Blackout for weeks, then blacks out before the show starts and doesn't get in.  Luckily it wasn't me since some girl with our group got wasted and ended up against a cop car or something.  

This isn't even funny, it's serious.  I'm pretty sure Northeastern is being taken over by Asians.

This is so frustrating.  You get in line, there's a full pizza. Then as you get closer, slices start to disappear.  By the time you get to the front of the line, there's two left, and you want them real bad.  Then, right before it's your turn, the dickhead in front of you takes the last two.  Actually, now that I think about it, I've been that dickhead many times too.  Sorry I'm not sorry.


It's a fact.  If you have a meal plan, you have diarrhea. 

For a school with like 15,000 students, why are there only like 5 printers in the library? Oh that's right, we needed that money for more flatscreens.

I hate group projects for this reason.  There's always that one person who doesn't do shit.

That whole building that's Lake Hall, and Nightingale Hall and Holmes Hall and whatever else is a fucking labyrinth.  Whenever I go in there I really don't know if I'm going to get out alive.  Whoever designed that place was on drugs, and not the good drugs.

Sucks to BU.

  I got caught drinking on the first Friday of college my freshman year.  I didn't really care about the fine, but OSSCR can suck a nut for making me take Alcohol EDU AGAIN.

He gets paid over a million bucks a year and he literally can't even say the school's name correctly.

People love to protest here, I really don't get it.  You chose to come here dummy.

Northeastern loves hiring professors who can't speak a lick of English. Awesome.

I will never go to the Beanpot again.

Ahh, Conor Larkins.  Pitchers and Big Buck Hunter.  Get some.

Completely reasonable.  

Hey, thanks for the great ratio you brought with you.

Again, I just don't get the protesting.  Have fun freezing your ass off sleeping in a tent five feet away from your dorm.

Thanks Bookstore.

Ahh, freshman year.  Before I knew that the Fens were like the gay rape capital of the world or something.

I will never buy textbooks again.

Like I said, never going to the Beanpot again.

How did the football team do this year? Oh yeah, we don't have one anymore.

Next stop: Blackout City.

Yeah professor, I know I had five weeks to write this paper, but I only need five hours.

Fuck BU.

Hey anyone wanna drink gasoline tonight? Rubinoff it is.

Guilty. Too many times.

Only someone who goes to Northeastern can understand.  Try explaining what a middler is to an outsider.  It's awkward.

Flatscreens everywhere.  For no reason.

I started out feeling bad for these people because I'm sure they are doing it for a good cause.  Then it turned into the game of trying as hard as possible to avoid eye contact with these people without trying to make it too obvious that I'm trying to avoid eye contact.  Why don't they realize that college kids have the least amount of money of anyone and should be the last people to ask for donations to "save the wilderness." You just have to be real with them now.  Or at least act like someone is calling your phone or something and it's important.  Works every time.

I can't even tell you how many times I've almost sharted in class.  Sometimes ya just gotta let em' rip though.

On a side note, I have to give this video props.  Pretty much sums up Northeastern.

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